When I was little, my friends and I weren't provided with, well... interesting toys. We all thought that various inanimate objects were so much more entertaining than constructive activities. One day, we found a bucket.
Us being simple minded at the time, didn't even think twice before putting a questionable, dirty bucket that we found in the street on our heads. We thought it was the funniest thing in the world.
Out of this mindless activity sprouted the best game in the history of the world world: Bucket Head.
The game itself wasn't very creative; throw things at the person with the bucket on their head, while they're trying to tag you. Infinite happiness ensued. This was by far, the highlight of those years.
Every day we would play Bucket Head. We thought it was the best, the pinnacle of entertainment. Our parents, however, thought differently.
Countless injuries resulted, but that didn't deter us from our game.
But, all good things must end eventually.
I was crushed.

For about 20 minutes. Then we all forgot about it and startes throwing rocks and things at each other again.